Monday, January 9, 2012

Transpose of matrix

Q. Write a C program to accept value of matrix and find the transpose matrix.


/*program of transpose of matrix*/
#define MAX 3
void input_mat(int [MAX][MAX], int, int);
void show_mat(int [MAX][MAX], int, int);
void trns_mat(int [MAX][MAX],int [MAX][MAX],int,int);
int main()
 int x[MAX][MAX],z[MAX][MAX];
 int row,col;
 printf("Enter no. of rows and columns : ");
 scanf("%d%d",&row, &col);
 printf("Enter values of %d X %d matrix :\n",row,col);
 printf("\nYour entered matrix is : \n");
 printf("\nTranspose of entered matrix is :\n");
 return 0;

void input_mat(int matA[MAX][MAX], int r, int c)
  int i,j;
  for(i=0; i<r; i++)
    for(j=0;j<c; j++)

void trns_mat(int matA[MAX][MAX],int matT[MAX][MAX],int r,int c)
  int i,j;
  for(i=0; i<r; i++)
    for(j=0;j<c; j++)
       matT[j][i] matA[i][j];

void show_mat(int mat[MAX][MAX], int r, int c)
  int i,j;
  for(i=0; i<r; i++)
    for(j=0;j<c; j++)
       printf(" %d",mat[i][j]);

The output of above program would be:

Output of Transpose of matrix C program
Figure: Screen shot for transpose of matrix C program

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